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Pedal Spikes - 16 pack

Pedal Spikes - 16 pack

Regular price $8.00 USD
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These are for those of you who are handy with a drill and not intimidated by the prospect of changing metal forever.

If you're familiar with a simple hand drill you can easily get these to work with our Grip Kings to get them to get even grippier. The tiny nubs on the Grip Kings are already just the perfect size to be drilled out to accept these spikes; no special tapping is even needed---these spikes will self-tap themselves just fine.

Use an 3/32" or 1/8" bit---the smaller size (3/32") means a tighter fit, but the 1/8" is fine, and makes it easier to screw in.  Drill 2-3 mm deep, but it's not a big deal if you go thru the platform.  These screw in real easy with a 2mm or 5/64" allen wrench.

Sixteen stainless steel spikes in each baggie, and three to four per pedal side times four pedal sides per bike means sixteen at most.  If you need more, get another baggie.

These spikes also work on the older MKS Grip King pedals. The Grip Monarchs come with spikes already. 

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