Early November

You can buy these wholesale, presumably if you have a resale license. The biycle relevance follows:

Possibly the future of ebikes.
In eight years there will be $12,000 ebikes. Just because we'll never make one doesn't mean we hate them. We don't. For some uses they beat real bicycles and cars. We get to not make them without being accused of hating them or trying to rob people of their fun.
HELMET STUFF AGAIN, but this one seems to be on the right track. There will be marketing challenges, and it costs too much...but FUNCTIONALLY, baby...
Here's another page, in case you didn't get to it with that link.
I'm trying to get a few, out of our non-existent R&D budget.

The rider hit a fawn, fawn ran off, rider is OK, and is planning to get one of the next Roadini frame (and fork). It's an older bike. No matter--a steel fork 5x as old would not do this.

Thirty-nine pounds. The Basket rack and a big net and a big saddlesack makes it work. Will would say I need a bigger front basket, and maybe, but I like the sleek racer look of the medium basket. The brakes are Dia-Compe centerpulls. The rear brake has a way too long straddle wire, and when I first set it up I remember thinking the brakes didn't even work--it took a hard squeeze. I have "light-squeeze" brakes, too, and now that I've gotten used to these, they seem fine. Getting used to a bicycle's quirks may seem unnecessary, but it's a helpful and common and a reality, we you may have to do it eventually. But yeah, if we assemble your bicycle, there will be no quirks. This is my bike dressed up in, "I'm insane, this bike is clearly unsellable and easily identified if you steal it" mode.

It's not all for me. Some for work, some for family. The front derailer is WAY too high, I just noticed now. Maybe I had a different big ring on there at some point. Anyway, it seems to shift perfectly. We'd never do this to one of your bikes, nor should you.

I can kind of imagine that a Masters of Analytics might take somebody to the kind of job that I don't even know what it is.

I was in my dentist office waiting. The wait was longer than I'd expected and they removed all of the magazines, so this sign on the building next door was the only thing to read, and it struck me that it'd be a neater firm name if it was this.

Charlie H. Gallop 57cm. It's a really good bike. Too much sunglate on the crank here, but the bike is good. I think I'd ride it with heavier wheels.
A friend was in the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and sent me this photo, because I'm a Grant:

That might have been enough, but I thought, "Who is this Madiscon Grant character?," so I googled him and oh my everlovin' lord almighty:
It may be kind of late in the game to point this out, but you've got to watch out for those old-time/early 1900s conservationists. Teddy R. and John M. "contained multitudes."
Friend sent me this. You'll be glad you read it, I think. It's English, if that tips the scales one way or another,; and I'm going to urge the whole crew here, because...well, it's put so much better than I can put things.
Roadside signs from NorCall and Southern Oregon. I may have posted these before. I know I've put them up, but then thought "better" of posting them, so...I think I de-posted them. But I was up there again last week and there they still are.
I'm all for thanking first responders, I just think it's odd that anybody who felt so strongly about it that he made this sign (not by hand) and erected it...would not think twice about how to best get the message across. Plus, three letter-colors, and the quote marks. It's one-of-a-kind, as you approach Fall River Mills flrom Hwy 299 from the west.
Some people still want to succeed.
A friendly message with a flag and bald eagle that make it less friendly. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I suspect "you" doesn't include Kamala Harris / Tim Walz voters.
This happens more than daily, I'm sure.

So any hubub or squawking about how I or Rivendell hates carbon fiber is kind of nonsense. Not nonsense in that I don't hate it; nonsense because the hubub should be about the breakages, not our feelings for the material. It's brittle. Always has been, always will be. It can be used successfully in low-stress applications that don't risk lives, but is a bicycle fork one of them?
The derailer seems to genuinely be happening. We'll see. Spring or Summer? Sta tuned.